Norwegian Textile Letter Extras: Crown Princess Mette-Marit’s Weaving Symposium in April

Her Royal Highness Mette-Marit, the Crown Princess of Norway, is an avid weaver. A previous article  in the Norwegian Textile Letter, translated from NRK Vestfold and Telemark, described her passion, Crown Princess Mette Marit Became a Weaving Student – And Now There are Full Weaving Courses and Waiting Lists.

On April 12, 2024, in honor of her 50th birthday, she held a weaving symposium, “Unifying Threads” [Samlede Tråder]. These are her opening remarks.

Many of the 260 invited guests at the symposium.

Many of the attendees wrote enthusiastically about attending the symposium on social media. Jon Fredrik Skauge posted an essay on Facebook that he allowed us to translate and share, LONG LIVE WEAVING — Thoughts on Crown Princess Mette Marit’s Weaving Symposium.

Jon Fredrik Skauge

I love hearing from readers who enjoy or are inspired by articles in the newsletter. I had two artists contact me (both from Duluth, Minnesota, coincidentally) and thank me for Kristine Bielenberg’s article, A Red Lion and Castle Flamskväv from Skåne. Karen Keenan said she was inspired by the tulip patterns around the lion and is using them in a new batch of pottery.

Photo: Karen Keenan

Alison Aune thanked me when I ran into her at the opening of the new exhibit at the American Swedish Institute, “Karin Larsson: Let the Hand be Seen.” Alison uses Skåne-style flowers in her paintings, and it’s fun to see her interpretations of the tapestry motifs in paint.

Photo: Alison Aune

The Nordic Fest is coming up at Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum on July 26-27, 2024, and the wonderful National Norwegian-American Folk Art Exhibit will come to a close. The award winners will be announced, and that means we will be able to share photos of the weaving entries featured in the exhibit. Expect another Norwegian Textile Letter extra later this summer.

Robbie LaFleur

Help support wonderful articles on Scandinavian textiles with a donation to the Norwegian Textile Letter. Thank you! Tusen takk!
I will be traveling to Norway at the end of August to continue research on the transparent tapestries of Frida Hansen and her followers, for my upcoming book. Any donations now will be very useful for my work, this labor of love.