New Issue of the Norwegian Textile Letter, Vol. 25, No. 2


Perhaps this is a racy issue of the Norwegian Textile Letter? I’ll bet you weren’t expecting an article on Norwegian Underpants History. The article includes a number of artifacts from the  Nordfjord Folk Museum. The Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum also has Norwegian underwear; see the addendum More Handmade Underwear: From Norway to the Dakotas to Vesterheim.

Cynthia Atley Peterson is an American sweater designer who has taken inspiration from Norwegian weaving. She has used both skilbragd and doubleweave åklær to design unique sweaters, hats, and mittens. Read Cynthia Peterson Sweaters: From the Loom to Knitting Needles, plus-–note her special offer for readers of the Norwegian Textile Letter.

North House Folk School in Grand Marais, Minnesota, holds a wonderful Fiber Retreat each winter.  This year the guest artist and speaker was Karin Flatøy Svarstad: Felt Artist from Kalvåg, Norway. Mary Reichert wrote an article about her, and another about the experience of learning from a master teacher, in New Birds Sighted on Minnesota’s North Shore–Felted Ones.

In the first two months after the Call for Art was posted for a show starting in June, 2020, at Norway House in Minneapolis, nearly 20 amazing entries have been accepted (with room for about 35). Read about a few of the pieces slated for The Baldishol: A Medieval Norwegian Tapestry Inspires Contemporary Textiles. After reading Inspired by the Baldishol Tapestry, you may be inspired to enter the show. For sure, mark your calendar to visit Minneapolis next summer. 

A new group has emerged for those who follow weaving in the Nordic countries; read about the Nordic Weaving Network and be sure to follow their Facebook group for inspiration and information.


Robbie LaFleur
1801 Fremont Ave. S., #2, Minneapolis, MN 55403

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