The Norwegian Busserull Work Shirt: A Lecture

If you are near the Twin Cities in Minnesota this week, you could enjoy a talk on the Norwegian Busserull work shirt at Mindekirken, the Norwegian-American Church in Minneapolis. Carol Colburn will be presenting at the church’s Tuesday Lunch series.

May 2 : Busseruller – Work Shirts in Norway and America
Presenter: Carol Colburn
Carol is a clothing designer, artisan, historian, and an enthusiastic teacher. She lives in Duluth, Minnesota where she rests her eyes on the distant horizon of Lake Superior between her projects of sewing, weaving, writing, and gardening. Through her travels, she has found inspiration in everyday as well as festive clothing traditions, with a frequent focus on Scandinavian countries. Her publications celebrate the design, techniques, and meanings behind everyday and folk clothing and household textiles. She worked in professional theater and taught period clothing design, pattern making, and sewing in university theater programs before she began teaching independently. Today Carol’s sewing workshops incorporate traditional textile traditions along with contemporary craft. Students in her workshops are introduced to an appreciation of older sewing techniques while creating beautiful and useful custom garments for contemporary life. These garments, which honor time-tested traditions, also suit folks today who enjoy the outdoors in all four seasons. Carol teaches in folk schools, fiber guilds, and museum settings.
If you can’t make the lecture in person, you can read the article Carol wrote for the Norwegian Textile Letter in 2016, “The Busserull (Norwegian Work Shirt) Tradition.”
I plan to attend the lunch and lecture on Tuesday. If you are there, say hello!
Robbie LaFleur 

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