Betty Johannesen
In the fall of November, 1995, Jan Mostrom coordinated a study group to work on danksbrogd. It was a long-distance group; the first four members were from Rhode Island, Oregon, Alberta, Canada, and Minnesota. The group focused on learning and sharing. As Jan wrote, “If we were all experts on the technique, there would be no need for the group.” Two people in the group were experts: Lila Nelson and Betty Johannesen.
To get the group going, Jan sent out information on weaving danskbrogd from a class taught by Betty Johannesen at the Midwest Weavers Conference in June, 1995, reprinted with permission here. Overall, the class was on weaving krokbragd, but there is a section with instructions for adding danskbrogd.
The notebook that resulted from this study group is filled with valuable instructional material, inspirational photos, preparatory graphs, and hints from member’s experiences. The scanned pages linked below include photos and documents from the group members, but omit much of the administrative correspondence and personal information that was shared during the process. Still, there are a total of 96 pages in the combined files. A full copy of the notebook is available to view at the library of the Vesteheim Norwegian-American Museum in Decorah, Iowa.
If you want to weave danskbrogd, the detailed information in this notebook will be of great help. If you just want to be inspired by the work of the study group, look at the files of weaving by the individual members.
Tips for weaving danskbrogd on two shafts, here.
Article by Lila Nelson in the September, 1995, issue of the Norwegian Textile Letter, “An Introduction to the Dansk Brogd Tradition.”
Lila Nelson’s hints for successful danskbrogd weaving, here.
A 1983 article on danskbrogd, “Vest-Agder har landets rikeste teppe-tradition,” with a translation by Lila Nelson.
Weaving: Syvilla Bolson.
Weaving: Betty Johannesen. Betty includes useful photos of the front and back of her danskbrogd piece.
Weaving: Lila Nelson. One. Two. Three.
Lila Nelson wrote around Valentines Day of 1998, sharing a photo of her Mondrian-inspired danskbrogd, and a description of how it was woven. Here
Weaving: Sharon Marquardt
Weaving: Jan Mostrom. One. Jan even included her preliminary sketches for danskbrogd designs. Two. Jan describes her observations about coverlets she saw in Norway. Three.
Weaving: Rosemary Roehl
Weaving: Sally Scott, One. Two. Three. Four.
Weaving: Norma Smayda
Mary Temple wrote a draft for weaving krokbragd and danskbrogd, here.
At the time that American weavers were experimenting with danskbrogd, contemporary Norwegian weavers were inspired by the old coverlets, too. Betty Johanessen visited the museum in Kristiansand in the summer of 1997 and took this photo of three beautiful banded danskbrogd hangings. If anyone knows the weavers, let me know!